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Kip McGrath Sheffield South East

English and Maths Tutoring Qualified Teachers Personalised Learning Programmes Primary - Secondary
About Kip McGrath Sheffield South East

The Kip McGrath centre at Sheffield South East will provide individualised learning support to help pupils from 5 to 18 to achieve their goals. Working previously as a Primary School Teacher, Naz Mahroof has the skills and experience to fully develop your child’s learning. He has spent many years teaching in the primary education as well as creating targeted learning support to help every pupil achieve their potential.

After a FREE assessment an individual learning plan will be developed for each pupil where a mixture of 1:1 teaching, the latest technology and more traditional pencil and paper methods will help them progress. The centre will provide a friendly environment, fostering a love of learning and focussing on developing independence. This learning support can give your child the confidence they need to raise their work to the next level, whether that is catching up, passing their exams or stretching the most able.

Kip McGrath Sheffield South East provides tuition:
Kip McGrath Memberships
Primary and Secondary Tuition
  • English
  • Maths
  • Reading & Spelling
  • KS3 & KS4 Science
  • SAT's & GCSE's
  • A Level Science, Maths & English
  • Confidence Building Entrance Exams
Tutoring Times
  • Monday
    4.00pm - 8:30pm
  • Wednesday
    4:00pm - 8:30pm
  • Thursday
    4:00pm - 7:00pm
  • Friday
    4:00pm - 7:00pm
  • Saturday
    9.00am - 3.00pm
Got a question? Call us anytime.
Got a question? Call us on 01144 539752