A Helpful Guide for Returning or Starting School after the Summer Holidays

As summer rolls to an end, it’s time for students to embark on a new academic journey, filled with possibilities and opportunities for growth. Whether your child is returning to school after a relaxing break or starting a new chapter in their educational journey, this is a crucial time to set the tone for a successful year ahead. At Kip McGrath, we understand the importance of a strong start, and in this blog, we will share some valuable tips to help your child embrace the new school year with confidence and enthusiasm.


Reconnect with a learning mindset; after a few weeks of leisure and fun, it’s essential to reconnect your child with a learning mindset. Encourage them to engage in activities that promote learning, such as reading books, solving puzzles, or exploring educational apps. This will help then transition smoothly from summer mode to a focused academic mindset.

Review core subjects

Prepare ahead with review sessions, for students returning to school, a brief review of core subjects can work wonders. Before classes begin, consider organising revision sessions, or enrolling your child in a Kip McGrath tutoring program to refresh their knowledge and address any gaps in understanding. This will give them a head start and build their confidence for the upcoming year.

Prepare a workspace

Create a productive study space, an organised study space is essential for effective learning. Help your child set up a clutter-free and quiet study area where they can concentrate on their studies without distractions. Ensure it’s equipped with all the necessary school supplies and learning resources.

Get new supplies

Prepare school supplies, a few weeks before school starts, make a shopping trip for school supplies. Involve your child in the process, allowing them to select their notebook, pens and other essentials. Having their own supplies and an organised backpack will help them feel prepared and ready for the new school year.

Parent/teacher communication

Communicate with your child’s teachers and introduce yourself before the school year begins. Attend parent-teacher meetings to familiarise yourself with the curriculum, classroom expectations, and any change in policies. Open lines of communication with teachers are essential for a successful academic year.

Goal setting and open communication

Sit down with your child and discuss their goals and expectations for the upcoming school year. Help them set realistic and achievable goals in academics, extracurricular activities, and personal growth. Encourage them to break these goals into smaller milestones to track progress along the way.

Address any anxieties or concerns, returning to school can bring about anxiety or concerns in children. Create a safe space for your child to express their worries or fears about going back to school. Listen attentively, validate their feelings, and provide reassurance. Discuss strategies together to overcome any challenges they may anticipate.

Healthy habits and a positive mindset

Emphasise the importance of a positive mindset and resilience in the face of challenges. Encourage your child to adopt a growth mindset, where they see mistakes as learning opportunities and believe in their ability to improve. Remind them of their past accomplishments and reassure them that they have the skills and support to succeed.

Reinforce healthy habits, help your child develop healthy habits that will support their overall well-being and academic performance. Encourage nutritious meals, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. A healthy body and mind are essential for concentration, focus, and optimal learning.

Make back-to-school fun

As the first day of school approaches, celebrate this milestone with your child. Take a first day-of-school photo or plan a fun after-school activity to mark the occasion. Creating positive associations with returning to school can help your child approach It with enthusiasm.

Returning to school after the summer break can be a time of mixed emotions for children. By implementing these tips, parents and guardians can help ease the transition and set the stage for a successful academic year. Remember each child is unique, so adapt these suggestions to meet their individual needs. With preparation, support, and encouragement, your child will be ready to tackle the new school year with confidence and enthusiasm.

If you feel like your child needs that extra support this school year, get in touch with a local Kip McGrath centre, find one today at kipmcgrath.co.uk

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