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Kip McGrath Bristol North

English and Maths Tutoring Qualified Teachers Personalised Learning Programmes Primary - Secondary
About Kip McGrath Bristol North

At Kip McGrath Bristol North we are passionate about children succeeding in English and maths. The centre is convieniently located in Downend centre, just a few minutes walk from Downend car park, with a range of session times to match all local schools. Our fantastic team of tutors are all fully qualified teachers with a wealth of experience in getting the very best out of learners.

All students follow an individual learning plan focussing sharply on their needs and building confidence. Our tutors use a wide range of tried and tested teaching methods alongside the latest computer technology - all exclusive to Kip McGrath Education Centres. Contact us today to arrange a free assessment and find out how we could help your child reach their true potential.

Kip McGrath Bristol North provides tuition:
Kip McGrath Memberships
Primary and Secondary Tuition
  • English - Primary & Secondary
  • Maths - Primary & Secondary
  • GCSE and SATs Tuition
  • 11+ and Entrance Exams
  • Get Ready for School
  • Early Reading & Maths
  • Extension Courses
  • KipOnline Tuition
Tutoring Times
  • Monday
    3:45pm - 7.00pm
  • Tuesday
    3:45pm - 7.00pm
  • Wednesday
    3:45pm - 7.00pm
  • Thursday
    3:45pm - 7.00pm
  • Saturday
    9.00am - 2.30pm
Got a question? Call us anytime.
Got a question? Call us on 0117 373 8367